Occupational Therapy

Getting You Back To The
Things You Love

Injuries and illnesses are an unfortunate part of life, which is why we’ve dedicated our lives to helping minimize the impact they have on you and your daily activities. At Beyond Limits Rehabilitation, our Occupational Therapists (OTs) understand the challenges you will face and how they can affect you physically, cognitively, emotionally and socially. Which is why occupational therapy is often regarded as the true “lifestyle-saver”. 

By addressing the specific movements and tasks that you need to accomplish on a daily basis for home, work, and recreation, our Beyond Limits OTs will work to help you regain your strength, dexterity and confidence. Because every person and lifestyle routine is different, our OTs will share with you a holistic perspective about your condition and treat you as an important part of the therapy team.  

Once your detailed patient history is collected along with a comprehensive assessment of your current medical condition and overall function, Beyond Limits OTs will work with you to customize a rehabilitation program tailored to meet your personal needs and goals. As an added benefit, our OTs can also work side-by-side with other healthcare professionals to form an inter-professional team dedicated to all aspects of your rehabilitative care, and they are welcome to consult onsite in our office. 

At Beyond Limits Rehabilitation, you can trust we will go above and beyond to help remove whatever the limitations so you can reclaim the highest level of function possible to achieve your desired goals and enjoy life again. 

Call us to schedule an evaluation with one of our highly talented OTs.

How Beyond Limits Occupational Therapy Can Help:

  • Improve mobility and positioning problems
  • Wheel chair assessments
  • Reduce and manage pain
  • Reduce and manage fatigue
  • Regain skills needed to return to work after an injury/illness.
  • Recover from surgery/stroke/injury
  • Manage chronic health conditions
  • Increase independence and safety with daily activities
  • Discover and implement memory aids for people with memory concerns
  • Prevent unnecessary hospital stays and/or premature nursing home admissions
  • Reduce/prevent work-related injuries
  • Increase life satisfaction and participation in daily activities
  • Reduce/prevent falls through education, home assessment, and balance training

Beyond Limits OT Treatments:

Environmental Adaptations/Ergonomics
Occupational therapists have the keen ability to analyze an environment concern in order to best serve our clients safety and functionality. It can be as simple as recommending specific types of adaptive equipment that fit the client’s need for safety and regaining independence to more complex home and work modifications. Therapists assess a client’s body structure and work space with the goal of preventing soft tissue injuries and musculoskeletal disorders caused by exposure to force, repetitive motion, vibration, or awkward postures.
Wheelchair Assessments
Typically when a client is referred to the clinic for a wheelchair, the physician leaves it up to the skilled occupational therapist to determine the most appropriate chair for that client. An evaluation starts with determining the client’s needs within the home and community, as well as the patient’s ability to complete their activities of daily living. An occupational therapist will then assess physical limitations including ROM, strength, and posture in order to recommend a specific wheelchair and seating system to allow for maximize functioning.
Handwriting is actually a complex process of organizing written language by coordinating the eyes, arms, hands, pencil grip, letter formation, and body posture. Whether you’re a child just learning to write or an adult recovering from a hand condition, an OT is vital to improving performance by analyzing specific deficits in fine motor control, strength, endurance, or visual perceptual skills.
Recovery or improvement from a neurological condition (acquired brain injury or progressive conditions) can be a long, slow process. It is of great importance to have an OT on the client’s rehab team in order to regain functions important to the person’s everyday life. Common impairments in this category include motor impairment, sensory impairment, cognitive deficits, and emotional/behavioral problems. An OT will work with the client to regain lost skills, teach new methods, or adapt the physical environment.
Fine Motor Coordination/Dexterity
After suffering from a hand or finger injury, surgery, or neurological condition, occupational therapy is beneficial in improving the ability to use your hand and fingers in a controlled manner to complete meaningful tasks. Fine motor skills involves coordinating small muscle groups with the visual perceptual skills. Kinesthetic input from receptors in the muscles, joints, tendons, and skin also provide necessary information for improvement and refinement of fine motor activities.
Energy Conservation
Many chronic conditions result in the loss of energy or endurance in which carrying out meaningful or even basic activities becomes quite difficult. Energy conservation refers to the way activities are done to minimize muscle fatigue, stress, and pain. An occupational therapist can help the client examine personal roles and responsibilities in order to establish new methods or modifications for accomplishing a task.

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